Mood: down
Today was kind of a rough day in a way.First Demarkis told me he saw Rayshawn talking to some girl at his house,then my mom told me she saw him all over some girl at the 68th bus stop, and I seen him at the park holding a different girl hand so I am officially through with him but that doesn't mean I don't think of him,honestly I do but they all aren't good thoughts,but other than Rayshawn business ...we went school shopping and allit was nice. Then I went to the park for like 4 hours with Lanica and Kijuanna...I messed with so many boys but I think I just maybe get with the boys whose shirt I took off lastnight because we were talking today. The Dee-Dee barbequed because it was his birthday and all and everybody drank and everything it was a nice night!!
Fast Fact:Lydell tried to talk to her and lied and said he was 17 when Nikki said he was 19!!
~Feeling Down~